Cold Sunshine
Hot Music, Trusting Nature, and Breakfast Salad
By kmCarter Posted in blog on November 30, 2020 0 Comments 2 min read
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Bit of a challenge to dance and eat a salad at the same time, but it’s not impossible. And if you’ve got Sia, The Weeknd, and Harry Belafonte in your ears, it’s sort of requisite to move with soul, no matter what else one may be trying to do at the moment. Is it gluttony to stuff your face and your ears with beautiful food at the same time? You know it’s gonna be a great day when you knock over your yogurt spoon and respond with gratitude that it fell on a lickable plastic bag and not the hat you’re knitting.

It’s a beautiful morning.

Perhaps I should have worn a hat or a heavier jacket and some gloves on my walk this morning. Maybe some full-length pants? Well, my hair was in a very large, successful top bun that I didn’t want to let down, and frankly, I was lazy. Something happens when you trust the interaction of your body in nature. There’s a knowing in your body when you see the sunshine on a certain day at a certain time… sometimes you just know that if you step outside a little unprepared for Her wrath, Nature will spare you for half an hour.

Maybe it’s the time I spent living in Alaska as a child and in my early twenties that taught me never to step outside without an awareness of Nature’s brutality: respect Her with preparation. I am teaching myself to trust Her as well. As Her children, if we are to re-bond with Her, I like to think She can meet us halfway. That is, if we are willing to start with silence and reverent listening.

And so the sun beamed on my face and warmed my pink ears. The rhythmic movement of my thighs back and forth in a brisk walk generated enough heat. Not all the heat I wanted, but enough for my need. I wadded my fingers in my sleeves, and a good Lady Gaga song about love did the rest.

Nothing quite like cold sunshine.

Photo by Michał Gałężewski on Unsplash

blog Harry Belafonte Lady Gaga morning walk music nature Sia The Weeknd

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