Where is the Hope for Me?

On a journey to lose 250 pounds and upgrade her life, this 40-something female asks Joe Rogan and Dr. Jordan Peterson: Should I even try?

You can tell me to do it for me, do it for my health, but why? So I can live a longer life? Why live longer when all I have to look forward to is the derision and rejection of men and society?

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Storm Cells

In which she attempts to do laundry and patch the roof of her car.

She buys duct tape at the gas station, as the south-bound storm cell approaches (north wind blowing in her face). She decides to ask for help.

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Mother's Day

She finds an apartment of her own.

She knew this would be the last time her mother would ever install curtains for her in a new dwelling. She knew, because if Mom didn’t refuse to do it next time, she would refuse to let Mom offer. Mom knew it, too. That’s why she’s being so helpful and buying so many tiny things she knows her daughter will need and forget to provide for herself. This is the last time.

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